Thursday, June 29, 2017

Christological Astronomy Facilitators Compensation

I have an exciting announcement to make concerning Christological Astronomy. This has been a long time coming, but we are finally in a position to help liberate the ministries of those who are serious students of this subject. We are initiating a trial remuneration program for our certified facilitators who are introducing CA profiles to people from our website at We believe that the generous remuneration from this apostolic program could potentially finance ministries in many places globally.

Several years ago, the Lord spoke this word to me: “If you can figure out how to maintain integrity within the Christological profile interpretations and pay the facilitators, this will burst into flames.” We are ready to do this now and I am excited to see this word being fulfilled. 

As we have prepared the website and trained facilitators, both in the US and abroad, we have been steadily working toward this remuneration program. We are especially excited to see what it will avail in India where people are addicted to the lies of astrologers and also in Brazil where people have not been poisoned against celestial truth. If we can manage this well, it could possibly help to lead millions to the Lord. Until now, I have been hesitant to release this in India because we needed a plan in place to help disciple those who are won to the Lord. I believe we now have that.  

About 30 individuals have completed the basic Christological Astronomy discipleship training study on our website at Several will be selected to initiate this trial remuneration program, with the hope and faith that this will eventually yield many more “destiny coaches” who will desire the same training and certification.

This new paradigm of ministry has the potential of opening up opportunities for those who desire to help others realize their God-given destinies. Christological Astronomy is the most prophetically rich environment I know of; if we can strip the shackles of prejudice off, the truth will brilliantly shine. A prophetic word was spoken over me that CA would first be rejected in the US, but that other countries who receive it would make the US jealous. Watch what happens. We are poised for a revolution. We are going on a fishing expedition (for people) in heretofore unexplored territory where the devil has posted the stream. Christological Astronomy is the right bait for this stream, perfect for New-Agers, Hindus, and Muslims—and even some lukewarm Christians.

I am excited about training our facilitators and helping them realize the huge blessing it will be to do this. This training will include new webcasts and other special items, so don’t forget to go to our YouTube channel at to see what we have already posted and to keep checking it for new posts. You will find everything there you need to know to enter into this exciting new ministry.

We are looking for seasoned, prophetically-gifted individuals who desire to be destiny coaches. If this is you, please contact us at  and we will give you the specifics.